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7 Tips To Keep Your House Snug And Warm This Winter

Brrrrr! Winter is well and truly here, along with those long, cold nights and frosty mornings that make getting up for work even tougher. If the thought of this has you mentally counting down the days until summer already, then you’re not alone. To help you get through the cold, we’ve come up with a few handy ways you can keep you and your home warm this winter.


1.   Close the curtains at night

Thick curtains on your windows can work wonders when it comes to keeping heat indoors where it belongs. Don’t forget that the thicker the curtain material, the more heat you’ll keep in.

 2.   …But let the light shine through in the day

Sure, curtains can keep the heat in, but nothing warms your home quite like the natural warmth of the sun. Even though it’s winter, the sun still shines brightly in Western Australia when the clouds decide to move, so make the most of it! Just make sure to close the curtains as it gets dark, so all the natural heat stays inside.


3.   Double glazing

Standard doors and windows in a home are responsible for up to 80% of energy lost through heating and cooling. Not good when you’re shivering through cold winter nights! By investing in double glazing for your home, you’ll not only help to make your home warmer in winter and cooler in summer, but also enjoy a range of other benefits. These include noise reduction, a reduction in your heating and cooling costs leading to reduced greenhouse gas emissions, plus added security and peace of mind. Sound good? Our sister company DuoGlass can provide you with all the information you need. Check out the DuoGlass website.



4.   Seal up cracks and gaps

Dodgy seals and gaps near your doors and windows can definitely hinder your ability to keep warm air inside your home. Before the temperature realty starts to plummet, make sure to do a thorough check of all window and door seals around your home. If you notice any cracks or drafts, fix them with gap filler. You’ll be amazed what a difference it can make! You can also invest in door snakes – Bunnings has got you covered if this is what you’re after.


5.   Close the doors to rooms not in use

Why waste valuable heating on rooms you’re not even using? Keep the doors closed to all rooms you’re not using, and keep the heat nice and snug on living areas and bedrooms when it’s time for bed.

6.   Grab a jumper before turning up the heat

Turning up the heat in your home full blast for a short amount of time is not only a waste of energy, but can really wreak havoc on your wallet. Instead, put on a jumper and the fluffiest socks you own. If you’re still cold, turn the heating on, but allow it to warm the room gradually at a temperature of 18–20 degrees.

7.   Check your insulation

Good quality ceiling insulation can save you lots of money in energy bills, and help to keep your home snug and warm during winter. If your home is a little older, it might be time to replace the insulation. Although this can be costly at the time, with up to 45% of your home’s heat lost through the ceiling, it really is a good investment in the long term.

Having a good kitchen in your home can really warm you from the inside. Our expert kitchen designers are ready to help you take your kitchen from drab to fab this winter. Book your obligation free appointment today.


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