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Christmas Themed Kitchen Decor

christmas kitchen decoration perth

If you feel like Christmas has snuck up on you again, you’re not alone – 2017 seems to have gone by in a flash. However, the advent calendars don’t lie, and we’re officially counting down the days until December 25. To help you get into the festive spirit, we’ve come up with 5 ways to […]

How to Become The Ultimate Dinner Party Host

dinner party blog

Prioritising time with family and friends is so important, especially in our busy, fast-paced lives. What better way to bring your loved ones together than to host a dinner party? After all, food has the undeniable power of bringing people together! A memorable dinner party leaves a lasting impression and, done right, will have your […]

How To Use Your Kitchen Like A Chef

Kitchen Craftsmen Kitchen Renovation Cooking

Nobody masters the art of a functional kitchen quite like a chef can. After all, good organisation and layout are just some of the secrets to a chef’s success, in a high-powered environment where every second counts.

Move the Kitchen Outdoors to Entertain in Style

alfresco outdoor kitchen by kitchen craftsman 5

There are a lot of things to love about summer – and outdoor entertaining is one of them! After all, why bring more heat inside on those balmy summer nights? It’s time to move the kitchen outdoors and entertain in style. Here are some tips to get you started. Seating You’ll want your guests to be comfortable […]

How to Host a Summer Aussie Christmas

gt perfect lamb

Hosting a traditional Aussie Christmas in the height of summer can be stressful but really special. So while family and friends descend to celebrate the festive season, make life easy with these great menu suggestions! Ham It Up This firm favourite is perfect hot or cold. And who doesn’t love a great glaze? Remove the […]

6 Ideas To Bring Autumn Vibes To Your Kitchen

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Autumn inspires us to plan cosy, happy times at home, and our kitchens are always firmly at the heart. So it’s the perfect season to explore stunning décor ideas for your Autumn kitchen. Whether trending or timeless, these six ways to create classic cosiness will stand the test of time.

Your Guide To Kitchen Inspired Christmas Gifts

insta agnieszka majer cover

The most wonderful time of the year is upon us! And if your gift list is fast running out of ideas, why not turn to all things kitchen for inspiration? A thoughtful gift to match every kitchen ‘personality’ is always welcome, whether it’s a gadget, gizmo or classic appliance.

How To Create A Kitchen Made For Entertaining

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Have you ever noticed that no matter the size of the kitchen, it generally becomes the place where everyone gathers during a party? With that in mind, the team here at Kitchen Craftsmen have come up with their top ways to create a kitchen made for entertaining.

Indoor Gardening To Perk Up Your Kitchen This Winter

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It’s been one very wet and cold winter this year, and it doesn’t look like it’s going to get any warmer or drier anytime soon! Because of this, you’re probably not overly keen to put your green thumb to use outside, and we don’t blame you. Instead, why not get creative and make your very […]

Winter Inspiration For Your Kitchen

vegetable madras curry

Brrrr! It’s cold out there. Whether you love or hate winter, there’s no doubt it can leave you and your home feeling less than cosy at times. Luckily, we at Kitchen Craftsmen have some handy winter inspiration for your kitchen, to help bring a little warmth back into your home. Let There Be Light There’s […]

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