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Designing The Perfect Kitchen

Taking the first step towards a kitchen renovation can sometimes feel a little overwhelming. After all, there are so many things to consider when it comes to designing your new space.

So, how do you go about creating a functional kitchen space that can be enjoyed for years to come? Breathe easy, as we have a few tips to help you out.



Learn from the past

The last thing you want to do when renovating your kitchen is simply re-doing your previous design. Sure there will be things you loved about your old kitchen – so make sure you work them into the new design, while leaving room for new creations. Also make sure to jot down things you really don’t like about your old kitchen, as this will help you avoid these problems in the future.

Quiz yourself

It’s quiz time, ladies and gentlemen! Before you start planning your kitchen design, make sure to think about your answers to the following questions:

  • How will you use your kitchen? Are you someone who likes to cook from scratch, or are you more of a packet food connoisseur? After all, if you’re someone who enjoys preparing three course meals from scratch on a regular basis, you’ll need plenty of bench space, not to mention clever storage ideas for all your pots and pans.
  • Are you someone who loves to entertain? Do you have cupboards filled with swanky plates and cocktail glasses? If so, you’ll need to consider some clever storage solutions for your kitchen, as well as its basic functionality.
  • What are your shopping habits like? Are you someone who likes to get bits here and there, or someone who likes to keep the pantry fully stocked at all times? If you are, and you also have a family to feed, you’ll definitely need to look at things like extra pantry room and space for a big fridge freezer.
Butlers sink
  • Do you have a colour scheme in mind for your kitchen? Remember, you can always work colour and personality into the space by use of accessories, which are much easier to replace if you feel like a change!
kitchen reno Perth

Invest in the right appliances

There’s nothing worse than cooking with dodgy appliances. Ovens that turn food from raw to charcoal, stove tops with a mind of their own and fridges that chew through energy are all prime examples of this. When choosing appliances for your kitchen, always try and choose ones with the highest energy star rating, as these can save you money on your energy bills. Do your research before you buy, so you will be sure to choose the right appliances for your cooking needs.


The finishing touches

You’ll want your new kitchen to feel like an extension of your living space, so try and make the new design flow seamlessly into the rest of your home. If your home has a colour scheme throughout, try and work this into your kitchen through accessories, such as display bowls, artwork, vases and more. Just try not to overdo it – you don’t want to end up with cluttered benchtops that will take away from the functionality of the space. A few key pieces here and there will work a treat!

Our designers have plenty of experience working through issues, such as those outlined in this blog, and are here to help you achieve your ideal kitchen. See some of our reviewstake a look at some of our previous kitchen renovations, or email us to start your renovation journey!

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