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How Kitchen Cabinet Organisation Will Change Your Life Forever

There’s nothing like a beautiful, clean, orderly, organised kitchen to – in tidying-up guru Marie Kondo’s words – “spark joy”. But even when we’ve discarded unwanted kitchen items, there can still seem to be a lot left. That’s not surprising, considering we use our kitchens more than any other part of the home. The secret to dealing with this? Your kitchen cabinet storage!

The way your cabinets are designed to use space for arranging, stacking, dividing and accessing things, makes all the difference. Our experienced Kitchen Craftsmen team comes to your rescue here with custom-designed storage that will change your life.

Check out these smart storage tips from our designers:

corner drawers

Corner Contentment

For most of us, corners are dark recesses our odd plastic lids go to die! But there’s tons of space in your kitchen corners – the trick is using it all effectively. Consider carousels and other corner solutions for easy access (such as the sleek Hafele range), and think seriously about corner drawers, like the stylish Blum Space Corner cabinet. This uses all available space to give you fully extendable drawers in your corners, so you can see everything at a glance – something that makes Marie Kondo’s heart sing! The drawers come in a variety of heights and widths, and custom dividers keep everything you need in place. No more getting down on your knees with a torch to delve into dark corners!

Pantry Perfection

We access our pantry for every meal. So keeping it organised counts. The most orderly pantries enable you to see and find provisions easily, get them out quickly, and have peace of mind knowing they won’t tip over or spill. Even better, having a pantry built into the kitchen cabinetry (not tucked away at the edge of your kitchen) is a real treat. A pull-out pantry unit is a beautifully neat solution. Along with the gorgeous chrome Hafele units, Kitchen Craftsmen recommends the Blum Space Tower that gives you easy access from three sides, and you have full extensions that can be opened individually. With flexible inner dividers you can store provisions vertically, and we all know vertical storage is one of Marie’s top tidy tips!

pantry drawers
drawer organiser

Cabinet Drawer Haven

Plates, bowls and cutlery are our most regularly used items, so having simple, time-saving, accessible storage for them is a must. The Blum base cabinet has brilliantly and flexibly designed drawers for organising dinnerware, cutlery and utensils, and even plastic containers and their always-missing lids! The secret lies in having drawers of different depths, and practical inner dividers. Adjustable plate dividers in the drawers securely hold up to 12 stacked plates, and cross and long-side dividers help you sort all size utensils, cutlery, containers and their lids. Simply open the drawer, and you can see everything in front of you!


Ready to de-clutter and re-arrange? Pop into any one of our five showrooms across Perth to discover endless inspiration for a beautiful new kitchen that’s all about organisation.

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